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  • My family and friends want to watch. Is there a cost to be in the audience?
    No there is no fee to watch as the competition is open to the public to view. However, there may be a cost for parking at the location.
  • Where do I bring my props for the competitions?
    When you arrive, please check in immediately with our Backstage Staff wearing Glow Team attire or our MC for prop placement. You will be then be logged in the Stage Manager's program.
  • Do you permit the use of fog machines as props?
    No form of liquid, gel, aerosol, or glitter may be used that can adversely affect the dance surface.
  • Is videotaping/taking photographs allowed at the competition?
    No video recording or taking photographs are allowed during performances. DURING ADJUDICATIONS ONLY are you permitted to videotape or take photos. We encourage photography during awards ONLY. The use of video recording or unauthorized photography may lead to an entry being "adjudicated only". We urge all studio owners, teachers, and especially parents to keep our performers photographically safe by reporting suspected photographic violations.
  • Will there be a snack bar open at the competition?
    Some venues provide a concession stand. If concessions are not provided someone at the facility will be able to tell you the nearest place to find food/snacks. Water is usually allowed inside the facility.
  • Do you accept independent entries?
    No we do not accept entries as Independent, however if a Studio is to register you (and we verify the Studio Credentials), then an individual may register with us but UNDER A STUDIO REGISTRATION. We do not accept solely independent entries.
  • What is the cut-off date for the age categories?
    December 31st is the cut off for Age Divisions.
  • Once at the event, how do I check-in/register if I am the Studio Director/Teacher?
    Please visit our Merchandise Table to pick up your "Director Goody Bag" along with your complimentary program and dressing room information. You may check in backstage with our MC if you have music to provide at least 2 hours prior to scheduled performance time or 1 hour prior to scheduled performance time should your music have already been submitted online with your online registration.
  • Is there an early bird discount?
    Yes please inquire with for early bird deadlines for your specific venue selection and if they are offered during the season you are registered with us.
  • How do I request a refund for my child?
    There are no refunds after the deadline date. For further information please contact your studio director.
  • What are your fees?
    This information is disclosed to Studio Directors only and they may access this information on their Registration Portal
  • Are videos/photos posted on the Luv 2 Dance Competition Website?
    Facebook Page will have random fun shots and award shots from each venue throughout the weekend posted. Feel free to add your own family friendly fun shots from your weekend with us to our facebook page. Our Website: We post the photogenic winner and the regional title winners on our website, you can view them by clicking the media tab on our homepage and these will be posted within 1 week of the Competition Venue. The National Title & Photogenic winners will be posted on a special media slide show on our Media Page by the end of July. You Tube: We will post 45 second clips of all winning Routines from Select & Classic Top Score & Title Categories 1 week post Competition Venue. There will be a link from our Media Page to these routines.
  • What time do I need to be at the competition?
    Please ask your studio director to find out when he or she wants you to arrive at the competition. Because we tend to run early, we ask that all dancers be ready to dance at least 1 hour prior to their scheduled time. Anyone in the audience hoping to watch a particular dancer should be there one hour ahead of time as well.
  • How do I know when my son/daughter will be performing?
    Your studio director will receive your schedule at least 3 weeks prior to competition. Please see your Studio Director for this information.
  • If I have a schedule conflict or notice a mistake on the schedule, what do I do?
    Please have your studio director contact us at
  • How do I find out the location of the competition?
    Please click the Venue link of the city you are entered with us.. The address information should appear in a separate screen.

©  Glow Dance Competition

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