Your Music

- Easily upload your music to your Online Registration Portal
- Audio files are accepted in MP3, WAV, M4A or AIF format only, up to 50 MB each. We recommend MP3 format.
- Although we MUCH prefer music being uploaded prior to the event, we will still accept music at the event on a Flash Drive if absolutely necessary.
- If submitting a Flash Drive at the event, please note that audio files are accepted in MP3, WAV, M4A or AIF format only, up to 50 MB each. We recommend MP3 format.
- All Flash Drives must be submitted to the Info Desk onsite. All Flash Drives will be imported and run through a computer system at competition.
- If using a Flash Drive, they must be labeled with your Studio Code for our Event. They will need to have all songs listed on the flash drive in order as per our Final program and clearly labeled with routine number and title (corresponding to our Final Program).
- Whether uploading your music to Our Online Registration Portal, or bringing a Flash Drive to the event, ALWAYS have a back-up in another format (like an iPod/iPhone) just in case!
- If playing your music off of your phone, please make sure the song is imported into your iTunes or media player. We will NOT be able to play any songs from an email or off the internet.